
Joyce Hsu is a graphic designer based in Brooklyn. Her design aesthetic favors bright colors and simple yet striking designs. She received a BFA in Graphic Design and a minor in Computer Science from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2015. The diploma currently resides on her bedroom shelf behind some action figures and stuffed animals.

In her spare time, Joyce makes homemade cat food for her three cats: Watson, Moses, and Hooper, and constructs costumes and props as a hobby. She swears she’s cooler than this bio makes her sound.


Joyce Hsu is a graphic designer currently based in Brooklyn, NY.

Her design aesthetic favors pairing bright colors with simple yet punchy designs.

She graduated with a BFA in Graphic Design and a minor in Computer Science from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2015 (and she is very aware she's doomed herself to be at a computer forever). The diploma currently resides on a shelf in her bedroom behind some action figures and stuffed animals.

In her spare time, Joyce makes homemade cat food for her three cats and constructs costumes and props as a hobby.

She also swears she’s cooler than this bio makes her sound.